Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Define Post Modern Theatre !

I would like to begin to differentiate post-modern theater to previous classical 'and' modern 'drama. Featuring classic drama that put the value in the plot and its commitment to the laws of Aristotle large units. In the nineteenth century we have also noted how the Hegelian philosophy which has filtered in modern drama with the movement of 'man' / character at the forefront of drama in the plays of Ibsen's character, Chekov [Strendberg]. We also see how the simulation is to take Aristotle to the Heights from normal and affected by science of Darwinism in modern dramatic representations of the theater. Raymond Williams notes the perfection of the tragedy in modern drama where it is to shed light on the plight of the alienated people in the world's most advanced industrially. See tragicomedies Beckett represents reduction of poverty and the degradation of human beings in the structure of the absurd new and exciting.

Eleanor Fox, he is at the scene of post-modernism were witnessing the "death of the character" and the elimination of the plot. In this statement we are reminded announcement Bart 'of the "death of the author," noting Foucault's "death of man" and praising Lyotard solution metanarratives. Classified as rigid structures and the collapse of modernity, postmodernism selectivity distinguishes now. But unlike the idea of Jameson's pastiche of consumer capitalism and extreme multi-national, postmodern critical theory of the theater derives from the post-structuralists insight 'on semiotics. De Saussure laid bare and very constructive exposure of human language structure of the signs and symbols. Taking off from this, and to Derrida's analysis of human meaning-making has strengthened Champions metanarratives. As is the case now in the health placed a sign - the symbol and meaning, builds languages in question, postmodernists are forced to investigate the construction of the language itself. Ultimately, we come to realize that the meaning and significance is subjective, and should be context. With this, the classification of the limits set by the collapse of modernity as well.

Raymond Williams explains this idea of the agreement stage. Conventions in the theater of operations, according to Raymond Williams and figuratively means such as speech, and prevention stage, dancing and songs by which to achieve specific objectives exciting. He pointed out how the Conventions, whether in the theater, and performance is characterized by techniques or literary devices, through the acceptance by the public and their relationships to certain specific criteria. With this, and stressed the fact how are maintained on the dramatic conventions as "the conditions under which the author and the performers and the public to meet, so that it can be based on performance." Nicole Boireau explain the concept of dramatic conventions through Hamletesque metaphor of the 'trap'. Of this, and claims that it can reach the truth through a world of illusion, and it is only through the theater, which can reveal the truth. Theatre reflects the fact through the use of artificial conventions. He explained that only by reflecting the nature of drama and dramatic conventions that are verified the authenticity of the facts presented in the drama. And then through the same dramatic conventions and theatrical group as a way to express the facts, which can be verified by the facts that had been expressed. Through the restrictions and limited means of self-definition can establish the facts and expressed.

Williams explained Boireau and is a manifestation of deep structural and post-structural concept of a language bare and regulations of the signs and symbols. Although rooted in the traditions of classical and modern theater, and this is what post-modernism to achieve what Linda Hutcheon calls for self-reflexive nature of post-modernism of the theater.

Postmodern theater sees a different cultural traditions, historical source of a wide range of labels. Kay describes how post-modern view of history as a store of marks available for the practice of postmodern theater. In the recent production of Hamlet in Singapore, and Hamlet was also shown to a player Noah Ophelia ballet dancer. Or in staging musical recently Dulaang Habi ng Kaharian Sa Araw, is taken to the worlds of the public is apparently composed of a cabaret / rock concert, Beijing Opera Theater, and the world of the play is very expressive. Music is a mix of pop and Broadway influenced rock songs, and the fusion of classical and traditional Philippine ethnic music and popular. Postmodernism in the representation of theater, acting in style, fashion, production design, music and other elements taken from different contexts.
With the collapse of the limits of modernity, postmodern theater takes on pluralism and multiplicity in approach and style and the over-all process. This was reflected in the different ways to produce. Another important practice of Theatre of postmodernism is to use the text things, or what Jameson calls a culture of quotations, which can be used various texts to comment on each other. This is in the production of Romeo and Juliet, where the play ends with the final puck monologue from A Midsummer Night's Dream. 

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