Monday, October 11, 2010

A Guide To Fantastic The Savoy Theatre In London

Theatre Savoy have been built was opened on October 10, 1881, by Richard 'Oyly Kart Ivory (1844-1901) on the site of the old palace of Savoy in London as a showcase for the work of Gilbert and Sullivan, who became known as the operas of Savoy and as a result. Later, the Savoy Hotel was built beside it.

House of Savoy was the ruling family of Savoy descended from Humbert I, Count of Sabaudia (or "Maurienne") (became count in 1032). And joined in later with Piedmont Sabaudia, and the name evolved into "Savoy" (or "Savoy"). Counting Peter (or Piers or Piero) of Savoy (d. 1268), and was free Eleanor of Provence, Queen, wife of Henry III, King of England, and came with her to London. King Henry made Peter Earl of Richmond and gave him (in 1246) in the land between the River Thames and the Strand, where Peter built the Savoy Palace in 1263.

And became the Savoy Palace residence in London, John of Gaunt 0.2 Duke of Lancaster, until it was burned by the followers of Wat Tyler 'in peasant revolution''1381. It was King Richard II is still a child, and his uncle John of Gaunt, and was the driving force behind the throne, and therefore the main objective of the rebels.

In 1505 was Henry VII's Hospital was built in the ruins of the palace, and part of the old palace was used for a military prison in the 18 century. In 1864 the fire burned everything except the stone walls, and the property empty until Sat Ivory 'Oyly card bought it in 1880 to build the Savoy Theatre there.

Phipps designed by Caritas International and decorated by Collinson and Lock, and most of the processed beautiful theater in Europe opened its doors on October 10, 1881 with the transfer of Opera Comique of Gilbert and Patience Sullivan 'of the Opera. Built at the instigation if the caterer Richard de 'Oyly Kart, who wanted the system in his theater to the stage of the work of Gilbert and Sullivan Theater, the Savoy has become famous, such as building the first public in the world to be lit by electric lamps glowing and, in one way or another, has caught fire since then .

On June 3, 1929, the Hall of Victoria to the invasion by the workers and the demolition and, 135 days later in the''palace bright to have originated'', miracle magic of modernity built by 'Oyly Robert de Kart with Tugwell Frank as the architect and design decorative Ionides Basil. Re-open the theater in October 21, 1929 with a recovery of the gondoliers and Gilbert and Sullivan ', designed by Charles Ricketts and conducted by Dr. Malcolm Sargent.

I love, and listed at the end of the day, was in the Hall Theatre 'Savoy, and destroyed it with fire in the early hours of the morning of February 12, 1990, and now victorious and recreated brilliantly under the guidance of the late President theatre', Sir Hugh Wontner, and architect Excellence, Sir William Whitfield . The hall and public places faithfully restore the vision 1929 of Tugwell and Ionides.

Theatre re-opened on July 19, 1993 in the presence of His Royal Highness the Princess of Wales Royal Gala performed by English National Ballet. In honor of Gilbert and Sullivan, and played an introduction to the patience and the Programme of season 'included Wayne Sleep' specially commissioned ballet suite Savoy with music by Sullivan, arranged by Carl Davis.

The interest in the reopening of the Savoy Theatre unprecedented, with media coverage in all parts of the world, which continued throughout the Times World Chess Championship, won by Gary Kasparov. Theatre Production is back with the relative values Coward 'Claus, first seen in the Savoy in 1951. This was followed by distortions Tom Stoppard ', with Anthony Sher, in 1994 and the music you love me with Ruthie Henshall and John Gordon Sinclair. Then came Terry Johnson 'dead funny; Doors, Alan Ayckbourn' and communication, with Thorne Angela; JB Priestley 'When we are married with French dawn, Steadman, Alison, and Leo McKern, and Travers Ben''looting, with Griff Rhys Jones and Kevin McNally.

In 1997 and entrusted the management of the Savoy Group Savoy Theatre to a group led by Steven Cohen, Mr. Li. Since 1997, and included the production of Simon Kalu in The Importance of Being Oscar; Pet Shop Boys in concert, Ian Richardson, in peace; Edward Fox in a letter of resignation, and the production and the Royal Shakespeare Company 'Richard III, Robert Lindsay and Noel Coward' and hay fever, with Geraldine McEwan. The year 2000 saw the triumphant return of the company de Kart 'Oyly with traditional methods for the production of HMS Pinafore; the return of Donald Sutherland' to the stage of uncertainty and changes in the second season DVD Graphics' Oyly Pirates of Penzance and David Antarctica by young people.

Opened in 2002 with the season to return to the Forbidden Planet which was followed by production de Kart 'Oyly of Iolanthe, and the peasants of the Guard and the Emperor of Japan, and to revive the life Yasmina Reza' in X 3.

And returned de Kart 'Oyly at the beginning of 2003 with HMS Pinafore, followed by Pia Arthur in Savoy, John Steinbeck' Of Mice and Men, Peter Pan and Pirates of Penzance. This was then followed by The Marriage of Figaro and The Barber of Seville, performed by the Savoy Opera Company. Manage these products in all parts of April and May and June 2004.

This was followed by chapters Lorna Luft in the Championship mother taught me my songs and exciting new salsa musical killer instincts. Opened by Noel Coward 'delighted with the spirit in November 2004 and ran until May 2005.

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