Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Beautiful Attractions of Odessa Opera Theatre

The started Of a theater in the city of Odessa from the early days of the founding of the city. The right of the theater, opera, ballet to be called the largest of the large number of cultural institutions. Odessa is seeking the right to build the theater in 1804, and in 1809 has already been built. On the10th of February 1810 took place the first performance - the band Fortunatov Russian Opera staged one of the law Fralih "new family" and the vaudeville "widow Consolating".

But, unfortunately, in 1873 burned down an old building. It was burned completely. The restoration of our in this matter. The tragedy that was caved in from one side, the position of surrounding it - no one suffered from it. He suggested drafting a new city for architects Theatre Vienna P j Felner Helmer. It has been ten years since the establishment of the first step of in the basis for building the new theater. The opening of the theater and took place on October 1, 1887.

Been met and the building of Odessa Opera and Ballet House in the style of Vienna "Baroque", which was the major European art from the end of the sixteenth until the middle of the eighteenth century.
There is a sculpture on the front, and photography and one of Moses - a patron of art Melpomena. Was sitting in the vehicle, supported by four angry Panthers, which was repressed, and it has. There is a little less sculptural groups of subjects mythology. At the bottom near the main entrance, on high pedestals, and is set up two sculptural, personifying comedy and tragedy: on the left - part of the tragedy that Euripi "Ippolit", on the right - an episode of the comedy of Aristophanes: "The Birds."

Pediment along the bays of the building in the upper chamber of busts of Russian art bright and creative literature. Placed Pushkin, Glinka, Griboyedov, Gogol. Part of the most beautiful buildings - and a room with. Its architecture and maintains style "Rococo."The luxuriously decorated by various ornaments molded, plated with fine gold. The roof is of special interest. Four pictures by Leffler in the form of upholstered (medals) are based. Scenes from the business and Syakespeare: "Hamlet", "A Dream in the Summer Night", "Winter Dream" and "as you want it," appear.

A large chandelier in the center of the roof blows Drake detailed decoration. There are many different templates plaster in the hall and in all circles.

Is to fulfill and modeling in the circuits with special grace. Red Hat side and along the stairs, which led to the boxes. Decorated with all kinds of lampions, bronze candlesticks and vaccination are the parent and make the inventor. Perhaps, in any of the theaters, and there is no curtain so tastefully made, outlined by the prominent painter theater - Golovin. The stage is 500 Esq. Audio uniquely positioned to deliver even a whisper from the stage to any part of the hall.

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